MOBILITAS (Program Summy)
MOBILITAS Priority axis-Investment Priority-Specific Objective 2-2-2 Priority Axis 2: Fostering low-carbon strategies and energy efficiency in specific MED territories: cities, islands and remote areas.
2.3 : To increase capacity to use existing low carbon transport systems and multimodal connections among them
MOBILITY for nearly-zero CO2 in Mediterranean Tourism DestinationS MOBILITAS involve 7 Med countries / 10 regions,
1.Regional development centre Koper- Slovenia- Leading Partner
2.City of Dubrovnik- Croatia
3.Municipality of Misano Adriatico-ITALY /Emilia-Romagna
4.Paragone Europe- Malta
5.Zadar Countyn Development Agency -Croatia
6.Iuav University of Venice-ITALY / Veneto
7.P.PLATRES Community Council-CYPRUS
8.ENERGIES 2050- France
9.Municipality of Piraeus-Greece
10.Rimini Strategic Plan Agency-Italy
Affected by intense tourism flows with great pressure on transport infrastructure and mobility. These flows are concentrated during summer, but in certain areas, traffic peaks also in other months, due to fairs and congresses. In some cities, due to geographical and spatial premises, even daily mobility presents a challenge without including visitors factor. All areas face congestion, with negative effects in terms of
• air pollution,
• CO2 emission, noise,
• health,
• un-safety roads,
• and loss of cities’ attractiveness.
To tackle this situation, MOBILITAS elaborates different SCENARIOS to enable policy makers and stakeholders better understanding effects of different choices on improving environmental quality as a whole of destination. Within a common transnational approach, pilot testing actions range from soft to hard measures:
1. Sustainable tourism mobility policies: definition of political strategies & documents to reinforce existing POLICIES or start them ex-novo (e.g. elaboration of Sustainable of Urban Mobility Plans).
2. Reduction of traffic by electrical vehicles and sharing transport solutions: re-loading electrical stations, e-cars, e-scooters & e-bikes, e-buses, etc.
3. Information Technology tools & solutions for tourists/residents (APPs, software...) to facilitate decongestion of tourist traffic. All activities are coherently envisaged to make coastal cities of the Mediterranean more sustainable.
But there are some important differences: whilst the Italian, French, Slovenian and northern coasts of Croatia are invaded by cars of tourists arriving mainly from the CE countries,in southern part (islands and coastal cities) of Croatia ,Greece ,Malta,Cyprus,Portugal,Spain, the share of tourists arriving by air and cruise ships increases significantly.
Whilst in the 1st group of territories the main challenge is how to persuade tourists to keep their cars in the garage and reach the destinations by train or bus as well as to offer to tourists travelling in any case by car alternative options once arriving to their destinations ,for the 2nd group the challenge is rather to find a better integration between airplanes and ships with sustainable means at land (bikes,electrical shuttles,etc). In addition,all the areas are affected by unsustainable freight delivery models(a lot of means supply goods at any hour to hotels,restaurants,bars etc.,congesting streets already occupied by cars of tourists and residents),whilst buses loaded with tourists congest further the roads,without proper access routes existing. In such a context,by elaborating SUMP specifically tailored for tourist areas(often conurbations where the population doubles or triples during the summer)and testing some tools (via adapting outputs&deliverables supplied by other EU projects),
MOBILITAS will promote de-carbonized mobility models for the MED mass tourist areas,with a high degree of replicability. What is the project’s approach in addressing these common territorial challenges and/or joint assets and what is new/specific about the approach the project takes?
On the basis of a common framework&template prepared at transnational level,local/regional data will be collected &compared. It will consider
• traffic counts
• surveys,
• modal share (%of car,bicycle,pedestrians,train,PT);
• soft mobility services available (bike-sharing,cargo-bike,car sharing,IT mobility services);
• means of transport used by tourists at their arrival&travels withindestination areas;
• SUMPs(if any),existing campaigns&initiatives to favour a low carbon mobility culture(bike to school;to work;events);
• hotels&other amenities offering free bicycles to their guests
• ,promotion of electrical vehicles,
• current freight delivery systems,
• intermodals services at ports&airports.
On the basis of available data compared &analysed,some different scenarios will be elaborated in order to enable policy makers&stakeholders to better undertand some effects (in terms of CO2 emission,environmental quality at destination,attractiveness),ranking from business as usual to radical measures.
The indicators related to mobility,set up within ETIS-European Tourism Indicators System established by EU Commission as a toolkit for sustainable management at destination,will also be used.
The knowledge&scenarios produced will be the base for policy documents elaboration.
Through specific transnational l& local workshops, it will discuss data elaborated &different scenarios depicted .Each area should express a preference towards one of different scenarios Presented &elaborate a policy document to be proposed to local PA. Policy documents should reinforce existing policies (e.g implementation of a SUMP),orient use of ROPs/ERDF,or be the base for elaboration of missing SUMP.
Project objectives, expected results and main outputs
MOBILITAS deals with many issues raised within the Thematic Objective 4 “Supporting the shift towards a low carbon economy in all sectors”, selected by the MED Cooperation Programme 2014-2020. #
In particular, the project contributes to the fulfilment of the Priority Axis 2: “Fostering low-carbon strategies and energy efficiency in specific MED territories: cities, islands and rural areas”, to the mitigation of climate change that has strong consequences in MED regions, especially in cities and islands marked by tourism activities, that are the project’s territorial target.
The main overall objectives of the project are:
• Reduce GHG transport emissions;
• Improve the living environment in high density areas (in the touristic areas, population increases a lot, sometime doubles or triples, during the summer);
• Optimize the effect of human activities on sea, land, air and human health;
• Favour a shift from overuse of car to more sustainable means of transportation;
• Lessen the high pressure on coastal roads unable to absorb increasing traffic.
By combining political commitments and planning (policy documents, Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans) with soft tools (digital platforms/APPs) and promotion of electrical mobility, MOBILITAS intends to contribute to solve the above-mentioned problems that affect the quality of life both of residents and tourists.
Target groups
• General public Tourists (men & women),
• Citizens, Representatives of local Communities (NGOs and associations working on environmental issues),
• tour operators and the various categories of the tourism • industry (hoteliers, camping, bed & breakfast, etc.)
Local public authority
• Policy-makers and officials dealing with mobility
• transport infrastructures,
• sharing services,
• environment,
• energy,
• education,
• health & tourism in project areas
• Managers of local Transport Companies,
• Rail Companies
• , Port and
• Airport authorities
P.PLATRES Community Council has participated in 3 relevant EU co-financed projects
1.SMILEGOV Multi Level Governance under the program Intelligent Energy Europe Program. It was built on the idea that cooperation between different levels of governance of islands (i.e. National,regional,local) can have a key role to play towards reaching the 20-20-20 EU goals in the area of energy and climate change.
2. SEAP Covenant of Mayors Baseline Emission Inventory Project in cooperation with Cyprus Energy Agency,with the aim to reach the 2020 Goals regarding the Emission of Inventory.
3.M-Tourism-Leonardo Da Vinci program aiming in Sustainable Tourism through the use of digital media and based on4 axes:
• Soft Mobilities
• Green Buildings
• Renewable Energy
• and Heritage and Culture.
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