Creating a European Network of Bio-Districts to achieve a True Territorial REnaissance (CENTRE)
The project «CENTRE - Creating a European Network of Bio-Districts to achieve a True Territorial REnaissance» was funded with the support of the European Union under the Programme "Europe for Citizens"
Applicable to the Strand 2 – Measure 2.2 "Networks of Towns"
Creating a European Network of Bio-Districts to achieve a True Territorial Renaissance
The BIO-DISTRICT: a new rural development model is spreading in Europe based on the defence of agricultural landscape, food sovereignty, enhancement of local resources and on the new frontiers of sustainability (alternative energy, water, biodiversity, bio-architecture, waste recycling, soil protection, quality of life and work), fully consistent with the European “20-20-20” goals. This strategic choice for local communities, however, is often taken in a “top-down” process by policy makers without the direct and active involvement of citizens.
CENTRE project is hence focusing on the following main aims:
- Create a “DISCIPLINARY” clearly defining a “EUROPEAN BIO-DISTRICT”, created through the ACTIVE and DEMOCRATIC participation of citizens, as a means to achieve a TRUE TERRITORIAL RENAISSANCE for a sustainable future of Europe
- Constitution of a EUROPEAN NETWORK OF BIO-DISTRICTS signed by all project’s Mayors
- Making European citizens active stakeholders in the local decision making processes (BOTTOM-UP approach), especially regarding “bio districts” as key choice for quality of life in their communities
- Test INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS to explore new forms of direct and active citizens’ involvement to foster a stronger sense of belonging by target groups to the issues of the project and to the EU, e.g.: active participation to public initiatives during very CROWDED events; direct attendance in concrete on field "LEARNING-BY-DOING" experiences
To achieve these aims, the 6 project events are based on a common working structure including ACTIVITIES to: involve local target groups in unusual way -Citizens, Farmers, Public Bodies, Enterprises, Research and Training Bodies, Associations-let European delegates acquainted on best practices, success cases, local experiences; mingle in innovative way local target groups and European participants; discuss internally among partners; give visibility to the project, the EU and its aims (COMMUNICATION & DISSEMINATION PLAN)
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